PPP: Practice, Perfect, Perform Explained

We are all about moving. We were born to do so, and it has been an integral part of our entire lives. Through movement, we travel, connect, challenge ourselves, and from there we grow! All of these actions feed our curiosity, and what emotion makes you feel more alive than that?


As we age, however, movement often gets pushed to the side for other responsibilities such as work and taking care of others. That’s why we are here – to remind us all that taking care of ourselves should always remain our number one priority, because we can only effectively lift up those around us when we are the best version of ourselves. Developing the habit to move is our approach to successfully adapting an overall happier and healthier lifestyle.

“We can only effectively lift up those around us when we are the best version of ourselves.”


Days 1-3: Practice

We are here to guide you through this exploration stage, involving new moves and new tunes. This is an invitation for you to lean into the vulnerability that comes with the experience of trying new things, but with no pressure attached. We recommend setting a schedule for yourself of 1 video a day, 3 times a week. Feel free to find time that is most convenient for you to try them out!


Days 4-6: Perfect

Maintaining our recommendation of a 3-day training schedule, we encourage you to stay the path. Here we will review the movements from Days 1-3 in a refreshed format to keep you mentally engaged while simultaneously build muscle memory. Days 4-6 is where you will find the most growth, as the adaptation in your body and mind gets stronger than before!


Days 7-9: Perform

We come back for one more round of your trio schedule. You hardly will even need us to lead you, as your body and mind know the moves so clearly that all you have to do is show up and trust yourself, leading you to unwavering levels of confidence. Take this time to explore your individual style, add in whatever feels good to you, and bring out the star within.


The Practice, Perfect, Perform cycle is a total of 9 videos per season - so pay attention to which season and day you are on to make sure your cycle is on track. Our favorite way to do this while simultaneously holding ourselves accountable is by sharing our progress on social media! If you do, be sure to tag our accounts (below) and add #NovaPulse to your dancing videos. You know we will be impatiently waiting to shower you with love and support!







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