Which Comes First, Cardio or Strength?

Cardio or strength training first? Both have their advantages. You might prefer one type of exercise over the other, and we do too, but ensuring that you incorporate both cardio and strength into your weekly training will give you the maximum health benefits for your body and mind. You can even combine the two into one workout, which is what we like to do in our NovaPulse programming, or there is the option of alternating between the two. Whatever way you get these types of workouts in is totally up to your preference.

After you perform a proper warm up, what comes next all depends on your personal goals. Do you work out for a healthier heart? Perhaps you are more interested in being strong? Are you trying to achieve a lower overall body weight? Your priority will determine the best sequence for you.

If you’re looking to improve your cardiovascular health, endurance, or speed, begin your workouts with cardiovascular training. Examples of this can be dance, swimming, running, HIIT, or any movement that significantly increases your heart rate.

Is getting stronger your priority? Start your sweat session with strength training or muscular endurance exercises. Some options to support these goals would be high repetitions of body weight movement like crunches, push-ups, arm circles, and lower repetitions of weight training like bicep curls, lunges, and squats.

Whether you are hardcore into beginning with cardio or opt to be a strength starter, there is no wrong way to go. The fact you are doing your workout and moving your body is enough to be proud of. Movement brings a healthier life with a side dish of enjoyment, and that is when you know you’re doing the right thing for you.

Got another question for your health and fitness goals? Let us know so we can help you on your path to a stronger, healthier you.


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